Monday, July 4, 2011

Week Four - Day One - Dynamic Upper Body (Deload)

Monday July 4, 2011

Dynamic Upper Body

Buy In: Catalyst Standard Warm Up or Mow the Lawn for 2 hours (what I did)


50% of 1RM Competition Bench Press

8 sets of 3 Reps (60 seconds rest between sets)

Supplemental Exercises:

Military Press 3 x 8

Upright Rows 4 x 12

Cheat Curls 4 x 12

Chin-ups 4 x AMRAP

Cashout: Tabata Row! (Depending on how you feel, this is a de-load/active recovery week)
Matt's "Hepburn Solution" Routine by Mike Mahler

Rest 90 seconds between each set of B1 and B2. Go back and forth between the sets until all the sets are completed. Take a full five minute break, and then do the Pump Phase.

1 comment:

  1. Kat's Number:
    Bench: 55lbs
    Military Press: 55x12 55x8 + 4 push press, 55x6 + 4 push press
    Row: 55 lbs
    Cheat Curl: 55 lbs
    Chin ups, 1,1,1,1 + negative work (use it or lose it, for sure)
