Monday, July 11, 2011

Week Five - Day One - Repitition Upper Body

Monday July 11, 2011

Today I decided to change things up a bit and stick closer to the Westside for Skinny Bastards protocol. I feel like I'm putting on a little more fat than I should be so I'm cutting my calories a tad and doing some low intensity cardio in the morning and maybe even in the evening if I manage the time. I'm still trying to workout which days are what with my horseback training so the template may change as the weeks go on. So here's for today!

Morning Cardio: (After 1st meal)

30 seconds jog followed by 60 seconds walk for 21 minutes (14 intervals for you Gym Boss users)


Warm-up (25 minutes):

Catalyst Warm up followed by Foam Rolling

Workout (45 minutes):

Repitition Bench Press

60% of 1RM for 4 sets of 12 - 15 reps (Or 3 sets for AMRAP) 90 seconds rest between

Super Set 1 (Vertical Pull / Rear Deltoid)

4 sets of 8 - 12 reps

Perform one after the other with 90 seconds rest afterward

Lat Pull-Down
Incline Rear Delt Flyes (These are harder than you'd think! You may go lighter than expected)

Medial Deltoid Set: Dumbbell Military Press 4 sets of 8 - 12 reps

Super Set 2 (Traps / Arms):

4 sets of 8 - 12 reps

Perform one after the other with 90 seconds rest afterward

Dumbbell Shrugs
Dumbbell Curls

Gripper Plates: 4 sets of 3- 8 reps with 90 seconds rest


Tabata Row! You know how it is - 20 seconds working your arse off, 10 seconds rest, eight times.


  1. Kat's Numbers:

    Bench (I was bad and went too high accidentally, woops)

    85x12, 85x10(+2), 75x10, 75x8(+2)

    Lat Pulldown: 50x15, 60x12x3
    Incline Rear Delt Flyes: I had no idea what I was in for here, so I started with 15 lbs each x 1, then noticed my form wasn't correct and dropped down to 10lbs each. My form is still a bit off on this so next time I'll be filming myself.

    DB shrugs: 20 lbs each x1, 30lbs each x3
    DB Curls: 15 lbs each x 4

    DB Military Press: 15lbs eachx15x3 (last sets 10 reps)

    Grippers: 4 x 8 with 2 45lb plates loaded

    For my tabata, the goal was to keep under 2 minutes (per 500m) for each interval. Got it on all of them!

  2. Kat: Diet numbers

    Total: 1482 Calories
    Fat: 51.01 (459.09 cal) 31%
    Carbs: 123.75 (495 cal) 33%
    Protein: 132.59 (530.36 cal) 36%

    My protein was a little low but overall, not too bad! :)
