Saturday, July 16, 2011

Week Five - Day Four - Dynamic Lower Body

Dynamic Lower Body

Buy In: Catalyst Standard Warm Up with Yoga Frogs and Goblet Squats


Back Squats 10 sets of 2 reps at 60% of 1RM (60 seconds between sets)


Box step ups: 20" box 3 sets of 12 reps (6 each leg)

GHDS: 3 sets of 12 reps with a 5lb plate

Ab side bends: 16kg kettlebell 4 sets of 12 reps each side

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Week Five - Day Three - Max Upper Body

Yesterday I decided to watch Matt train down at Praxis Strength Training, and Coach Mike decided to put me on a platform to see what I could do. I enjoyed it so much that I'm going to do it! So my program now is going to change according to my Olympic Lifting Training regimen. I still need to be building muscle and strength, so I'm going to incorporate that into my program.

for today:

Buy in: Assistance work (Pullups, Chin Ups, Dips) x 10 each, Pushups x 10, Upper Body Mobility work, foam rollers


Flat Bench Press

8 reps at 60%
5 reps at 80%
3 reps at 90%
3 reps at 95%
3 reps going for your max 3

My upper back needs works (Weak Rhomboids, traps, spinal erectors) so that will be my supplemental focus:


Dumbell Bench Press 3x (15 - 20) 3 minute rest in between

Superset (Horizontal pull, Read Delt): Perform one exercise right after the other, then rest.

Chest Supported T-bar Row 4 sets of 10 reps
Incline Reverse Flyes: 4 sets of 10 reps

90 seconds rest between

Traps: Barbell Shrugs 4 sets of 10 reps

Elbow Flexors: Incline Dumbbell Curls

Cashout: Tabata Row!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Week Five - Day Two - Max Effort Squat

A.M. Cardio: Mow the lawn! (1 hour)

Buy In (25 minutes):
Catalyst Athletics Standard Warm Up, Goblet Squats, bootstrapper squats, Frogs, Foam rolling, bar squats

Workout (45 minutes):

Max Effort Squat

Back Squat (If you haven't maxed yet, use a projected max and work toward a new PR!)

Work up to a 3RM using the following 5 set formula:

Set 1: 8 Reps at 75% or above
Set 2: 5 Reps at 85% or above
Set 3: 3 Reps at 90% or above
Set 4: 3 Reps at 95%
Set 5: Go for your 3 Rep Max (100%)

5 minutes rest between each

Unilateral Movement: Reverse lunges 3 sets of 12 reps (6 each leg) 90 seconds rest

Hamstring/Posterior Chain Movement: Stability Ball Hamstring Curls 3 sets of 12 reps 90 seconds rest

Abs: Eite FTS Minx Ball Knee Ins 3 times through 90 seconds rest

Cashout (4 minutes): Tabata Jump Rope! 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 8 times

Stretch and Foam roll again if needed!

Matt starts training today with Coach Mike down at Praxis Strength Training. I'm so excited for him!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Week Five - Day One - Repitition Upper Body

Monday July 11, 2011

Today I decided to change things up a bit and stick closer to the Westside for Skinny Bastards protocol. I feel like I'm putting on a little more fat than I should be so I'm cutting my calories a tad and doing some low intensity cardio in the morning and maybe even in the evening if I manage the time. I'm still trying to workout which days are what with my horseback training so the template may change as the weeks go on. So here's for today!

Morning Cardio: (After 1st meal)

30 seconds jog followed by 60 seconds walk for 21 minutes (14 intervals for you Gym Boss users)


Warm-up (25 minutes):

Catalyst Warm up followed by Foam Rolling

Workout (45 minutes):

Repitition Bench Press

60% of 1RM for 4 sets of 12 - 15 reps (Or 3 sets for AMRAP) 90 seconds rest between

Super Set 1 (Vertical Pull / Rear Deltoid)

4 sets of 8 - 12 reps

Perform one after the other with 90 seconds rest afterward

Lat Pull-Down
Incline Rear Delt Flyes (These are harder than you'd think! You may go lighter than expected)

Medial Deltoid Set: Dumbbell Military Press 4 sets of 8 - 12 reps

Super Set 2 (Traps / Arms):

4 sets of 8 - 12 reps

Perform one after the other with 90 seconds rest afterward

Dumbbell Shrugs
Dumbbell Curls

Gripper Plates: 4 sets of 3- 8 reps with 90 seconds rest


Tabata Row! You know how it is - 20 seconds working your arse off, 10 seconds rest, eight times.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Week Four - Day Three - Dynamic Press (Deload)

Thursday July 7,2011

Dynamic Effort Military Press:

Buy in: Catalyst Standard Warm Up with Pec Mobilization and Pass Throughs


Military Press

8 sets of 3 reps at 50% of 1 Rep Max

Supplemental Exercise:

Push-ups 3 x 8

Accessory Exercises:

High-Pulls: 4 x 12

Scapular retractions
: 3 x 8

Jumping-pullups: 3 x 8

Cashout: Stretch!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Week Four - Day Two - Dynamic Lower Body (Deload)

Tuesday July 5, 2011

Warm up:
Goblet squats x 20
Pumps x 10
run 400m
Mountain Climbers x 20


Dynamic Deadlift:

10 sets of 2 reps at 50% of 1 rep max

Supplemental Exercise:

Good Mornings: 3 sets of 8 reps

Accessory Work:

16kg Kettlebell lunges: 4 sets of 12 reps (6 each side)

Planks: 4 sets of 40 second holds

Cashout: Foam rolling and a long bath!
Matt's "Hepburn Solution" Routine by Mike Mahler

A1) Barbell bench press 8x2

Monday, July 4, 2011

Week Four - Day One - Dynamic Upper Body (Deload)

Monday July 4, 2011

Dynamic Upper Body

Buy In: Catalyst Standard Warm Up or Mow the Lawn for 2 hours (what I did)


50% of 1RM Competition Bench Press

8 sets of 3 Reps (60 seconds rest between sets)

Supplemental Exercises:

Military Press 3 x 8

Upright Rows 4 x 12

Cheat Curls 4 x 12

Chin-ups 4 x AMRAP

Cashout: Tabata Row! (Depending on how you feel, this is a de-load/active recovery week)
Matt's "Hepburn Solution" Routine by Mike Mahler

Rest 90 seconds between each set of B1 and B2. Go back and forth between the sets until all the sets are completed. Take a full five minute break, and then do the Pump Phase.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Week Three - Day Four - Dynamic Lower Body

Saturday July 2, 2011

Dynamic Lower Body

Buy In: Catalyst Standard Warm Up with Yoga Frogs and Goblet Squats


Back Squats 10 sets of 2 reps at 60% of 1RM (60 seconds between sets)

Supplemental (90 seconds between sets):

Kettlebell One Legged Deadlifts - 3 sets of 8 reps each leg

Back Extensions: 3 x 8

kettlebell russian twists

Cashout Metcon:

Tabata Rope! Jump for 20 seconds, rest for 10 x 8

Matt's "Hepburn Solution" Routine by Mike Mahler (Done on Friday July 1, 2011)

A1) Barbell bench press 8x2

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Week Three - Day Three - Max Effort Upper Body

June 30, 2011

Max Effort Upper Body

Buy in: Catalyst Standard Warm Up with Pec Mobilization and Pass Throughs

Flat Bench Press (Conventional Bench Press)

12 reps with the bar
8 reps at 55%
5 reps at 70%
3 reps at 90%
3 reps at 95%
3 reps going for your max 3

Dumbbell Bench Press 4 sets of 8 reps

T-Bar Rows 4 sets of 12 reps

Pull-Up Super Set (Thank you to Jessika Morton for this idea)
Band Pullups 10 reps immediately followed by
Lat Pull - downs 10 reps
repeat this 4 times


Cooldown: Foam Rolling!

Matt's "Hepburn Solution" Routine by Mike Mahler

Rest 90 seconds between each set of B1 and B2. Go back and forth between the sets until all the sets are completed. Take a full five minute break, and then do the Pump Phase.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Week Three - Day Two - Max Effort Lower Body

Tuesday 6/28/2011

Buy In: Catalyst Athletics Standard Warm Up, Yoga Frogs, Light Goblet Squats, Bar Front Squats


Max Effort Squat/DL

Front Squat (If you haven't maxed yet, use a projected max and work toward a new PR!)

Work up to a 3RM using the following 5 set formula:

Set 1: 8 Reps at 75% or above
Set 2: 5 Reps at 85% or above
Set 3: 3 Reps at 90% or above
Set 4: 3 Reps at 95%
Set 5: Go for your 3 Rep Max (100%)

Supplemental Exercise:

Kettlebell Step Ups (goblet squat hold with, 20" box women 24" box men)

4 sets of 12 total reps (6 each leg)

Accessory Exercises:

Romanian Deadlift: 3x8

DeFranco Ab Circuit: (3 times 2 minutes rest between sets)
Sprinter Sit Ups x 10 (5 each leg)
V-Ups x 10
Toe Touches x 10
Hip Thrusts x 10

Cashout: Foam Roller

Dinosaur Training: Are you a Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Week Three - Day One - Dynamic Upper Body

Monday June 27, 2011

Dynamic Upper Body

Buy In: Catalyst Standard Warm Up


60% of 1RM Competition Bench Press

8 sets of 3 Reps (60 seconds rest between sets)

Supplemental Exercises:

Kettle Bell Clean and Press: 3 sets of 8 reps each arm

Lying EZ bar triceps extensions 4 sets of 12 reps

Chin Ups: 4 sets of (as many at a time as you can do)

Cashout MetCon: Row 2 Minutes, Rest 1 x 3

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Week Two -Day Four - Dynamic Lower Body

Saturday June 25, 2011

Dynamic Lower Body

Buy In: Catalyst Standard Warm Up with Yoga Frogs and Goblet Squats


Back Squats 10 sets of 2 reps at 55% of 1RM (60 seconds between sets)

Supplemental (90 seconds between sets):

Rack Supported Pistol Squats - 12 each leg x 4

Good Mornings: 3 x 8

Ab Wheel 4 sets of 5 reps

Cashout Metcon:

Tabata Swings! Swing for 20 seconds, rest for 10 x 8

Friday, June 24, 2011

Week Two - Rest Day

"The more I learn, the more I learn how little I know." -- Socrates

Matt and I received our new Pendlay Do-Win lifting shoes this week (Which are awesome, btw.). We decided to grab an empty bar and a video camera to see how our base squats were fairing.

What a lesson in humility...

We quickly realized where our sticking points were in the squat. That's the beauty of the program we're doing. Every training day, the goal is to lift, assess, and correct. Our sticking point is leaning forward in the squat (According to EliteFTS this is the most common squat problem). I finally broke the habit of my knees buckling inward, but our squats can quickly turn into raised good-mornings. So now that we've assessed the problem, what's the correction?

First off, our anthropometry comes into play on how vertical we can get. Matt and I will be less vertical in our squat since our legs are longer than our torsos. but the goal is to strengthen our bodies correctly so we utilize all the proper muscle tensions to get that bar back up.

Forward motion is caused by improper back tension. A few exercises to help strengthen this are back extensions, good mornings, planks, and reverse hypers. An awesome series by Matt Wenning called So You Think You Can Squat? addresses this issue and provides ideas for accessory work to strengthen the back.

Another cause of forward motion in the squat is improper Hip/Hamstring mobility. We'll help this by making sure the hips are open and warm by including more hip mobility in our warmup.

Dan John has a great video on practices to open up the hips for proper Squat Form.

Some other great openers are Yoga Frogs, bootstrappers, Goblet and Tea Cup Squats, light O Squats, and front squats (For an explanation on how the Front Squat fixes the Back Squat, there is a great post by Mark Rippetoe on the Starting Strength Forum. The squat is a hip lift, Mark Rippetoe has a great video for fixing this. An Example of these can be found on this video from Fixing the Squat by Again Faster

One thing to note: There are different techniques employed by different squat and lifting styles (Olympic vs. Powerlighting). For reference, the article Olympic vs. Powerlifting Squats by Geoff Neupert and Mike Robertson explains the difference and how to incorporate them both.

In summary, the lift will correct itself as you keep your back properly tense and tight (Causing "big chest"), your hips open, your knees properly coming over your toes, (1 inch over), and your hips loaded and driven through the movement.

So here's to getting in the hole and driving out of it!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Week Two - Day Three - Max Effort Upper Body

Thursday June 23,2011

Max Effort Bench Press:

Buy in: Catalyst Standard Warm Up with Pec Mobilization and Pass Throughs


Floor Pin Press

8 reps at 60%
5 reps at 80%
3 reps at 90%
3 reps at 95%
3 reps going for your max 3

Bent Over Row: 4 sets at 12-15 reps

Incline Bench Press: 3 sets at 8 reps

Barbell Pull Over: 4 sets of 12-14 reps (Form Note: Make sure arms stay bent or this movement can hurt your shoulder blades)

Grip work: Bottoms Up Presses (As many as you can do x 4)

Cast Out: Tabata rows! (20 seconds of rowing, 10 seconds rest) 8 rounds

Max Effort Work by Jim Wendler (Note, we work up to a 3RM )

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Week Two - Rest Day

If you're at this point and you don't need a rest day... You're doing something wrong!

Nutrition Links:

Here are some great recipe sites for eating clean:

Catalyst Athletics Recipe Site
Elite FTS Cookbook
Crossfit NRG Cookbook
Everyday Paleo
Eating Clean Magazine - Recipes

Here are some healthy, though not focused on clean eating sites:

Eating Well
Pinch my Salt
Simply Recipes
Kayln's Kitchen

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Week Two - Day Two - Max Effort Lower Body

Tuesday June 21, 2011

Buy In: Catalyst Standard Warm Up

Max Effort Deadlift


Choose One of the Two Options:

Option One:
Sumo Deadlift (If you haven't maxed yet, use a projected max and work toward a new PR!)

Work up to a 3RM using the following 5 set formula:

Set 1: 8 Reps at 75% or above
Set 2: 5 Reps at 85% or above
Set 3: 3 Reps at 90% or above
Set 4: 3 Reps at 95%
Set 5: Go for your 3 Rep Max (100%)

Option Two:

The Paul Anderson Style Progressive Lowering Deadlift
Note: If you choose this option, you should follow it through the entire Mesocycle on your Deadlift day.

Rack Deadlift Pulls (Start at 3 inches below lockout)

110% of your 1RM:
8 Sets of 1 Rep

3 Minutes rest between sets

Supplemental: Goblet Squats 3 sets of 8 Reps

Weighted GHDs 4 sets of 12 -15 reps

Weighted Crunches: 4 sets of 12 -15 reps

Cash Out:

Sprint or Run 200m then Jog or Walk it back and start over x3

Home Work:
Dave Tate on Deadlifting
T-Nation - Boost Your Deadlift by Chad Waterbury (Note: We will be alternating every other week with Max Effort Squats)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Week Two - Day One - Dynamic Upper Body

Monday June 20, 2011

Week Two - Day One- Dynamic Effort Bench

Buy In: Catalyst Standard Warm Up


55% of 1RM Competition Bench Press

8 sets of 3 Reps (60 seconds rest between sets)

MetCon Workout:

Upper Body 4 Station 3 Rounds:

Station One: Row for Distance
Station Two: Diamond Pushups
Station Three: Hang Power Cleans (55# women, 75# Men)
Station Four: Push Press (55# women, 75# Men)

One Minute Rest between rounds

Cash Out:

Eric Cressey's Foam Roller Sequence

I love Mike Burgener's videos since he is an Olympic Lifting Coach with two kids (Son and Daughter in Law) on the Oly USA team and another on the way! As you'll see in this video:
Mark Burgener coaches the Hang Clean

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Week One - Day Four - Dynamic Lower Body

Saturday June 18, 2011

Dynamic Squat

Buy In: Catalyst Standard Warm Up


Back Squats 10 sets of 2 reps at 50% of 1RM (60 seconds between sets)


3 Rounds for time:

30 Double Unders (Singles count for every 3)
30 Weighted Lunges (25# Women, 35# Men)
30 V - Ups

Cash Out:
Eric Cressey's Foam Roller Sequence

Mark Rippetoe:Intro to the Squat

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Week One - Day Three - Max Effort Upper Body

Thursday June 16, 2011

Max Effort Bench Press

Buy In: Catalyst Standard Warmup


Incline Press (If you haven't maxed yet, use a projected max and work toward a new PR!)

Work up to a 3RM using the following 5 set formula:

Set 1: 8 Reps at 75% or above
Set 2: 5 Reps at 85% or above
Set 3: 3 Reps at 90% or above
Set 4: 3 Reps at 95%
Set 5: Go for your 3 Rep Max (100%)

Supplemental: Dumbbell Bench Press 3 sets of 8 reps (Build up a challenging weight to 100% of 8RM)

Chest Supported Row: 4 sets of 12 - 15 reps (build to 100% of 12RM)

Lat Pulldown: 4 sets of 12 - 15 reps (build to 100% of 12RM)

Pinch Gripper: 4 sets of 12 - 15 reps (build to 100% of 12RM)

Cash Out:

Row 500m x 3 with 60 seconds rest in between sets.

Home Work:
Mark Rippetoe teaches the Bench Press

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Week One - Day Two - Max Effort Squat/DL

Tuesday 6/14/2011

Buy In: Catalyst Athletics Standard Warm Up


Max Effort Squat/DL

Front Squat (If you haven't maxed yet, use a projected max and work toward a new PR!)

Work up to a 3RM using the following 5 set formula:

Set 1: 8 Reps at 75% or above
Set 2: 5 Reps at 85% or above
Set 3: 3 Reps at 90% or above
Set 4: 3 Reps at 95%
Set 5: Go for your 3 Rep Max (100%)

Supplemental: Ukranian (High Rep) Deadlifts at 60% of max. 2 sets of 20 reps
- keep back arched
- shoulder width stance
- hands outside of shoulders
- bar goes just below the knees [similar to a Romanian deadlift] and explodes upwards.

GHDs: 3 sets of 12 reps

Kettlebell Side Bends: 4 sets of 15 reps each side

Cash Out:

1200 meter run.

Home Work:
Front Squat Form
Elite FTS - The Number One Squat Mistake
Dan John - The Front Squat

Monday, June 13, 2011

Week One - Day One- Dynamic Effort Bench

Buy In: Catalyst Standard Warm Up


50% of 1RM Competition Bench Press

8 sets of 3 Reps (60 seconds rest between sets)

MetCon Workout:

15 Minute AMRAP:

5 Pushups
10 Dips
15 Kettle Bell High Pulls (16k Women / 24K Men)
20 Kettle Bell Cleans (16k Women/ 24K Men) [10 per arm]
Run 200 Meters

Cash Out:

Eric Cressey's Foam Roller Sequence

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Here we Go! - Program Design

It's now summer (more or less) here in Utah which means that Matt and I want to spend a lot more time outdoors being active. With that, we need to add some more endurance to our past strength program. Matt is working up at Deer Valley as a Mountain Bike Instructor so he's spending a lot of time up at high altitudes biking mixed terrain. So, after a lot of research we decided on a modified version of the Westside Basic Template. Matt Chan, one of the top 5 competitors and his wife Cherie who just qualified for the games this year put together a MetCon/Westside program focused on significant strength gains while still keeping the trainee athletically conditioned. We decided to keep the 2 Max Effort days, and turn the supplemental/Accessory exercises into a MetCon on the 2 Dynamic Days. I took our 4 day split from Jim Wendler's outline of Westside's Basic Template. After more research we found that our plan looked very similar to Joe DeFranco's take on Westside programming, which he calls Westside for Skinny Bastards (Read Part One and Part Two for reference). We always warmup using Catalyst Athletic's Standard Warmup.

Our Equipment setup: 1 Powertec Power Rack, 1 Pendlay Rogue Bar, 1 cheep-o - bar, 2x 45# bumper plates, 2x 25# Bumper plates, 6x 45# Standard Plates, 2x 35# Standard Plates, 2x 25# Standard Plates, 6x10lb Standard Plates, 4x 5lb Standard Plates, 2x 2.5lb Standard Plates, 2x 1.25lb Standard Plates, 2 6 lb barbell collars, 1 RKC 32kg kettlebell, 1 RKC 24kg Kettlebell, 1 RKC 16kg Kettlebell, 1 GoFit 25lb Kettlebell, 1 water rower, 2 jump ropes, 1 x-large stability ball, 1 large foam roller, 1 Ab Roller, 1 MuscleDriver 2 in 1 Plyo Box

Our Version Looks like this:

Monday (Dynamic Bench Press)

Week One - 50% of 1RM
Week Two - 55% of 1RM
Week Three - 60% of 1RM

Perform 8-9 Sets of 3 Reps in perfect form as explosively as possible. Take 60 seconds of rest between sets.


Design a MetCon which incorporates the following accessory muscle groups/exercises:
(Around 15 minutes, always under 20)

Supplemental: Triceps (Low Intensity/High Volume)
Shoulders (Low Stress)
Lats/Upper Back (Row or Vertical Pull)

Tuesday (Max Effort Squat/Deadlift)

Work up to a 3RM using 5 sets in any Squat or Deadlift variation that is more difficult to perform than the conventional squat or deadlift. Take a 5 minute rest between sets. (Try to do 3 sets above 90% of that max)

Supplemental Exercise:
If you did a max effort squat, perform a deadlift variation at 60 - 70% of 1RM
If you did a max effort deadlift perform a squat variation at 3x8

Accessory Groups: 4 sets of 12-15 of each exercise with 90 seconds rest between sets
Hamstrings (High Stress)
Lower Back (High Stress)
Abs (weighted Abs)

Ending Cardio: Running

Wednesday: Off (Can do active recovery)

Thursday (Max Effort Bench Press)

Work up to a 3RM using 5 sets of a Bench Press variation that is more difficult to perform than the conventional Bench Press. Take a 5 minute rest between sets. (Try to do 3 sets above 90% of that max)

Supplemental Exercise: Perform a 3x8 of another Bench Variation (with 90seconds rest between sets)

Accessory Exercises: 4x12-15 with 80 seconds rest between sets
Triceps (High Intensity)
Shoulders (Horizontal Row)
Lats/Upper Back (Vertical Pull)

Ending Cardio: Rowing

Friday: Off

Saturday (Dynamic Squat/Deadlift)

Choose Squat or Deadlift (alternating weeks)

For Squats: Perform 10-12 sets of 2 reps with perfect form as explosively as possible. Take 60 seconds of rest between sets.

For Deadlifts: Perform 6-10 sets of 1 rep


Design a MetCon which incorporates the following accessory muscle groups/exercises:
(Around 10 minutes, always under 15)

Supplemental Exercise: Unilateral Exercise

Accessory Muscle Groups:
Hip Extension (Lower Back)
Abs (High Volume)